Kevin Standlee (kevin_standlee) wrote,
Kevin Standlee

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Question Blanks

I went through what Match Game SF stuff I brought home with me — most of it is in short-term storage at the Moana Lane storage place near the Peppermill in Reno — and it appears that I left the blank index cards up there. I'll have to buy another package of blank index cards in order to print more questions for our show at Worldcon.

And speaking of questions, remember that I'm always looking for more Match Game questions. Remember that questions are not trivia questions with one-and-only-one answer, but questions that could have multiple possible answers and preferably ones that make people laugh.

Here's an example: The Starfleet Admiral said, "Captain Kirk has the biggest ___ in Starfleet!"

Bad question: Einstein said, "God does not play ___ with the universe." (Bad because there's only one right answer.)

Good question: Einstein said, "God does not play dice with the universe; however, sometimes he does ___ with it."

Questions should, of course, have something to do with science fiction, fantasy, fandom, or related subjects like science.
Tags: match game sf, renovation, worldcon

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