Kevin Standlee (kevin_standlee) wrote,
Kevin Standlee

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No Time

We're in Fernley. The moving truck is unloaded. Lisa's trailer is ensconced in an RV park. There's internet connectivity in the RV park. We've had Too Many Adventures, but no catastrophes, and the unloading, at least, went much better than I expected. But I simply don't have enough hours to write about it, as much as I want to do so. Maybe I'll have time later to go write back-dated entries, but given the way I write, it's going to be a challenge.

If you've been waiting for a response to e-mails from me for the past three days, I'm sorry, but I'm simply not at a computer on the internet as much as I usually am, and I won't be for another day at least.
Tags: fernley, lisa

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