Kevin Standlee (kevin_standlee) wrote,
Kevin Standlee

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Brand Confusion

To the person who labeled his post about the 2013 World Fantasy Convention in Brighton "Worldcon 2013," thank you for relabeling it (and the link to the WFC web site) and removing the references to Worldcon after I pointed out that WFC is not Worldcon. OTOH, I suspect that calling it "Fantasycon 2013" isn't going to endear you to the British Fantasy Society.

Also, thanks for removing the statement that the 2013 WFC is only the third time the WFC has been held outside of the USA. I'm sure the committees of the Montreal, Toronto and Calgary WFCs appreciate this.

No, I'm not going to link to the post. Consider finding it an exercise in using Google.
Tags: world fantasy convention, worldcon

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