Kevin Standlee (kevin_standlee) wrote,
Kevin Standlee

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Moving Daze: Good Intermission

Because the Amtrak California Zephyr is on a temporary schedule that runs three hours later than usual, Lisa and I didn't have to rush about to make an 8 AM train on Monday. Instead, we got up and had a leisurely breakfast at the Eldorado buffet, took her luggage back to her pickup, and made our way down to the Amtrak station where the CZ was running another hour later than the revised schedule. We met an expat Australian woman now living in Reno who had her father (they're both from Sydney) in for a visit, and we chatted amiably with them on the platform until the train came. I said goodbye to Lisa, who headed off quickly and didn't even see the train off. (She later explained that she was feeling as though she was almost completely out of power, having slept maybe five hours in the previous 60, and she still had to get groceries and head back to Fernley, so she had to get moving.)

The train ride back to the Bay Area was lovely, as it always has been. I took a fair number of photos, but I'm too busy with other things right now to upload them properly, other than this one that I managed to upload through my phone while we were under way. It's actually a bit tricky taking photos from the train, because the trees close along the right of way often block the view, so lots of shots are spoiled.

I was a little concerned that we'd end up falling so far behind that we'd get behind the last Capitol of the day and I'd miss my connection, but as it happens, there's enough padding in the CZ's schedule that I had about fifteen minutes at Emeryville, which was enough time to rush over to the Public Market and grab a take-out curry to eat on the relatively short trip from Emeryville to Fremont.

I got back to the apartment in Fremont around 8:30 PM and decided that there was no reason to inflate the air mattress when I had a bed waiting for me in San Jose, so I spent maybe an hour packing up several more boxes and the last of my clothes for the trip to the new apartment. It took a lot longer than I expected to get it all done, and I didn't get to bed until after midnight, spending my first night at the new place.

I really enjoyed the train trip, which was a nice restful end to an otherwise very stressful weekend of moving. There's one more high-stress period left, which is the final cleaning out of the Fremont apartment over the rest of this week. I feel a bit like I'm in Zeno's Paradox, for every time I fill up boxes of stuff and move them, there still seem to be as many boxes left to move, while the Atrium apartment (which has very little room) gets more and more full. I rather expect I'll end up having to use my van for overflow storage while I make more decisions about things I just can't keep down here and will either have to take to Nevada or throw away completely. I hope Lisa is able to haul some of it back in her pickup truck when she comes here this weekend.
Tags: amtrak, moving daze, reno

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