Kevin Standlee (kevin_standlee) wrote,
Kevin Standlee

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Home Again

After discussing the WHC bid situation with Mike Willmoth, Cheryl and I went next door to Starbucks and had a mocha and coffee cake, and I called Linda Ross-Mansfield (chair of the Winnipeg bid) to give her the headline briefing on the discussions here. (I will not go into details at this time.) I told her that I'd write up my notes and send them to her in a day or two. Then Cheryl and I made a last spin through the hotel and said goodbye to people and walked down to the Cathedral Hill Hotel to retrieve our bags from the concierge. Then the somewhat difficult part of hauling a very heavy bag (fortunately on wheels!) back up the hill to the California Street cable car terminal. We went that way because we intended to stop by the Ferry Building Marketplace and pick up something from the specialty butcher there for dinner tonight; unfortunately, they (but not any of the other stores in the Marketplace) were "closed for Mother's Day." Drat.

Oh, well, then it was down into BART and not too much later we were in San Bruno, where my van was patiently waiting for me. A quick stop by the Jamba Juice in Millbrae was indicated so that I would have enough energy to drive home. Another 30-40 minutes or so and we were at last home. It was a hot day today, and we turned on the air conditioning for the first time this year.

Nothing more ambitious than popping out briefly to get something for dinner (on account of our Marketplace plans being foiled) is indicated for the rest of the day. My body is telling me: "Sleep! Sleeeep!"
Tags: world horror convention

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