Kevin Standlee (kevin_standlee) wrote,
Kevin Standlee

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Oddly Not Sick

Today is the San Francisco Giants' Opening Day. And for the first time in several years, I'm not actively sick. I don't mean "conveniently sick so I can go to the ball game." I've never been able to attend Opening Day — it's too expensive. (Being "conveniently sick" for that even if I had the money wouldn't do me any good because we use a Paid Time Off system that combines sick leave and vacation.) But for some reason, for the past several years, I've been sick in various ways on the Giants Opening Day, sometimes rather badly so, similar to the Lurgi that afflicted Lisa and I through the better part of March. (In most cases, I worked from home while I was sick rather than inflict myself upon co-workers.) Today, though, I'm in the office and I'll just have to content myself to listening to the Giants on the radio.
Tags: baseball, giants

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