After a few hours, the sun came out and most of the snow began to melt, particularly everything on the east-facing surfaces of the house.
Dodged Another Weather Bullet
After a few hours, the sun came out and most of the snow began to melt, particularly everything on the east-facing surfaces of the house.
Quiet Family Christmas
We had a very quiet Christmas Day. Lisa and I had exchanged gifts already, but Kuma Bear sat by our little tree with a present for me: new…
Kuma's New Transportation
We got Lisa a sling to help keep her left shoulder (the one whose rotator cuff she tore) immobilized when possible. Kuma Bear was happy that his…
Holiday Shopping Failure
Our plan today was to go to Carson City to film the Santa Train running on the Nevada State Railroad Museum's track, then go up to Reno to do a lot…
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