I only had to work an ordinary eight-hour day today, with no crazy deadlines, and combined with a "commute" of only a few meters, I'm feeling pretty chipper this afternoon. Now if only the SF Giants can snap out of this slump into which they've somehow drifted....
The Best Time of the Year
I only had to work an ordinary eight-hour day today, with no crazy deadlines, and combined with a "commute" of only a few meters, I'm feeling pretty chipper this afternoon. Now if only the SF Giants can snap out of this slump into which they've somehow drifted....
Logging Out
This afternoon, Lisa and I tackled unloading the rest of the latest pallet of firewood. Lisa continued to hand me one log at a time, which I put…
I went out on the front porch this morning just after 8 AM. It had rained a little bit this morning. The temperature was hovering around freezing,…
Unloading the Wood
Yesterday, we started unloading the Pres-to-Logs from the utility trailer. Although Lisa can't use her left arm due to the rotator cuff injury, she…
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