Kevin Standlee (kevin_standlee) wrote,
Kevin Standlee

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And Again We're Home

We left the hotel in Mountain View about 9 AM this morning and got home around 6 PM. For those who suggest that it should only take four hours to make the trip, let me point out that this would require that you average 75 miles per hour door to door. Maybe you can do that, but I can't.

In our case, we had many different errands and stops along the way. Let's see, in order: Stop to get the mail from the Sunnyvale PO Box; coffee stop in Livermore; fuel at Lodi Junction; two fruitless attempt to find a place in Sacramento for which we were looking (not vital, but target of opportunity); Fry's Sacramento to pick up things, and get take-out lunch from fast food next door; Colfax restroom stop (and chance to get the California redemption value from our cans and bottles from this trip); Sparks large grocery shopping; Fernley perishables groceries.

With all that, I think we did pretty good to average more than 30 MPH.

Now I need to unpack and maybe get some sleep once the air conditioning manages to cool our trailer down to a habitable temperature.
Tags: fernley, lisa, travel

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