Kevin Standlee (kevin_standlee) wrote,
Kevin Standlee

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For Want of a Nail...

We now have a little bit of money available to start working on the backed-up list of home repairs, but nothing goes quickly. For instance, there's no point in getting a new electric hot water heater without a new 220V circuit to run it, and while doing that we'd better get the circuit put in for the electric dryer we bought two years ago and have never been able to use. But the electric circuit box where the utility power comes in has no more spaces on it, so we had an electrical contractor out to price what needs doing.

We discover that there's only 100A of service to this house, and that the drop from NV Energy is only good for 125A maximum. That surprised us, as we're both used to 200A house service in California and Oregon. The electrician says he can replace the box with a new 200A box with lots of room for new circuits, but NV Energy will have to run a new drop from the line pole across the street. When I was last at home, I filled out the paperwork and e-mailed it to the NV Energy office in Fallon, but of course it was the day before Thanksgiving and then this horrible cold snap came in, and NV Energy's 2-person Fallon office hasn't had time to deal with us. Even when they do, it's just going to be to tell us how much they'll charge us for a new power drop; actually getting the drop installed will be another matter. I let the electrician know that it doesn't look to me like we'll be getting back to him until January as best.

So the sequence seems to be:
  • NV Energy gives us a new line drop (assuming we can afford what they want to charge us)

  • Electrician replaces the utility box with a proper modern 200A box

  • Electrician runs new circuits to serve the hot water, dryer, and some other smaller 110V circuits we've requested

  • Plumber installs hot water heater

  • Lisa and I figure out how to install a proper vent for the dryer and connect the dryer

(The previous owners vented the dryer under the house, which doesn't seem safe to us; however, we can't find an easy way to vent the thing outside of the house due to where it's going to be installed.)

This is just one of the sequences through which we're going to be running, and it's not even the most complex and expensive one, even though we've been quoted more then $3,000 (including city permit fees) for just the electrical work exclusive of NV Energy's new drop. Home ownership is not for the faint of heart or empty of wallet, it appears.
Tags: house, lisa

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