Kevin Standlee (kevin_standlee) wrote,
Kevin Standlee

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Just As Well

Looking at my finances, it looks like it's just as well that I apparently did not win the right to book a room in the "close-in" hotel at Loncon 3 in the "ALoft Lottery," because the only way I'm likely to be able to afford the trip is if I can use my Priority Club points to pay for the room in the Crowne Plaza where I'm currently booked. Even though that's about a kilometer away from the part of the ExCel where the convention will be happening, I'm still better off. (Heck, I walked that far at Glasgow from the dorm housing.) The problem is that I don't have the points yet. I still have to tick off several goals in the promotion that IHG is running, and I won't have all the points I need until early May. I hope I can still rebook the room on points by then.
Tags: hotels, travel, worldcon

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