Kevin Standlee (kevin_standlee) wrote,
Kevin Standlee

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Reno TMJ Update

Lisa had an appointment with the TMJ specialist this afternoon in Reno. While I worked on Day Jobbe in the waiting room, the specialist, Dr. Allman, fitted a dental appliance that Lisa is to wear when sleeping (and other times when she doesn't need to eat or talk) that should help force her lower jaw forward and take pressure off of the pinched nerve that appears to be the cause of her tinnitus. There's a different appliance for her to wear at other times, but he won't be able to fit it until her regular dentist is able to fit a permanent crown over the tooth on which she had the root canal.

Reno TMJ being only about three blocks from the Atlantis, we went over there for lunch. The lunch buffet is open until 3 PM (not 2 PM as I originally thought), and so we had just under an hour. While Lisa got in line, I checked my club card, and got a bonus: a 2-for-1 breakfast or lunch buffet coupon. That's good because I wasn't hugely hungry. But lunch was still good, and we did not feel rushed. As we left, we saw people queuing for the 4:30 dinner over an hour in advance, presumably because Gold members of their affinity club get a free buffet on Tuesday.

We walked around the casino for a while to get some exercise, then did a couple of shopping errands. I had a $10 coupon from Cost Plus World Market that was about to expire, and then we stopped by Whole Foods Market to pick up some bread Lisa likes. We had thought of trying to get our larger shopping done, but we were both tired and I still had work to do, so Lisa drove us home and I got back to work this evening.
Tags: dining, food, lisa, reno, tinnitus

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