Kevin Standlee (kevin_standlee) wrote,
Kevin Standlee

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Diabetes Update

I have the Giants-Nationals playoff game on while I work on something relatively routine but time-consuming that needs doing today, which is helpful.

This morning was my semi-annual diabetes medical check. My lab results are not great: for the first time, my A1c level was at 7.0%, the highest ever. I've been a relatively well-controlled diabetic, but the weight is still too high, and catching up with me.

On the bright side, I somehow managed to lose ten pounds during the UK trip, and my belt needs tightening. If I could drop 10% of my body weight, from my current 303 pounds (137 kg) to about 270 (122 kg), I have a good chance of being able to arrest some of the deterioration. And some of my costumes, particularly my WSFS Captain's uniform, would fit a whole lot better.

In the meantime, we'll try expanding my use of Metaformin to 3x/day instead of 2x/day, before each major meal instead of just breakfast and dinner, and see if we can help my body deal with the carbs better.
Tags: diabetes

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