Kevin Standlee (kevin_standlee) wrote,
Kevin Standlee

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If the Hugo Awards are so Irrelevant...

...then why do so many people who profess to disdain them spend so much time criticizing them?

Most of the arguments I happened to hear today come down to "My personal taste is so much better than what won that the system is stupid/corrupt/broken."

Why is is so difficult for people to accept that other people like other things? It's as though they're so insecure that they demand that others stop liking other things in order to validate their preferences in some way.

Saying, "I don't like the things you like" isn't being exclusionary, but somehow, some people seem to think it is. I don't like cherry ice cream, but that doesn't make you a bad person or part of a Grand Conspiracy Against Humanity because you eat it.
Tags: hugo awards

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