Kevin Standlee (kevin_standlee) wrote,
Kevin Standlee

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Catching Up With Shopping

After sleeping in until 9 AM (which is pretty good when you've been getting up before 5 AM most days for the past week) and spending several hours working on SFSFC business like getting the previous meeting's minutes finally up on the web site, Lisa and I went to Reno/Sparks to deal with a long list of different shopping errands. We started the day with "breakfast" (at about 3 PM) at Rosie's Cafe in the Nugget in Sparks, spent the day going all over town doing all of our shopping, and after the biggest grocery shopping stop at WinCo, finished our evening with dinner at John's Oyster Bar at the Nugget. We're now fairly well stocked again.
Tags: reno, restaurants, shopping

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