Kevin Standlee (kevin_standlee) wrote,
Kevin Standlee

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WSFS Business: Final Main Business Meeting Summary

The last time that WSFS held a Business Meeting on the final day of the convention was 1992, when we had to hold a "snap election" for NASFiC for the last time before we shortened the lead time for NASFiC to 1 year less than Worldcon. That meeting was relatively short and pro forma. Today's final-day WSFS meeting was anything but that. The meeting lasted 3 1/2 hours. Once again, you'll need to refer to the Sasquan WSFS Business Meeting agenda pages to follow this.

The only items on the agenda were new constitutional amendments. Including those resolved earlier in the convention, here's how the eight new items fared, in the order they were dealt with (not the order they're listed in the agenda):

  • 2 Year Eligibility: Killed by Postpone Indefinitely at Preliminary BM

  • The Five Percent Solution: Passed by show of hands

  • Multiple Nominations: Revised version passed by show of hands. Version that passed will be in the minutes, but I don't know when that will be online.

  • E Pluribus Hugo: Passed 186-62 by standing serpentine vote

  • Four and Six: Passed 86-82 by standing serpentine vote

  • Best Series: Referred to Committee to report next year

  • Electronic Signature: Revised version passed by show of hands. Version that passed will be in the minutes, but I don't know when that will be online.

The big news is, I think, that both E Pluribus Hugo and 4 & 6 passed. Neither proposal is part of the WSFS Constitution yet. First passage does not make them part of the Constitution. Both of them, along with the others passed above, will be passed on the Kansas City. They will be on the agenda there, where they will be debated again and voted upon there. If they pass again in Kansas City, they will take effect at the end of MidAmericon II, and will first affect the 2017 Hugo Awards administered by Worldcon 75 in Helsinki.

Many different combinations of nominations and finalist slots were proposed for the 4 & 6 proposal, but ultimately the meeting voted to stick with the original values of four nominations per member per category and six finalists per category.

The Final Main WSFS Business Meeting for 2015 adjourned sine die in memory of Bobbie DuFault and Peggy Rae Sapienza at about 1:30 PM on Sunday.

The 31 separate videos that make up the approximately eleven hours of WSFS Business Meetings are now organized in order on the YouTube Worldcon Events Channel 2015 WSFS Business Meeting playlist in lower-resolution form. The video team accidentally uploaded some of the low-res files to the high-res playlist, and the files also got out of order. I have since moved all of the low-res files to the regular playlist and put them in what should be the right order.

There is a higher-resolution playback for which we have some of the files online already. The rest will have to wait until pcornelius, who has been preparing them as his time permits, gets home.

A reminder that of the business passed on to Sasquan, Popular Ratification failed and the other three proposals were ratified and became part of the WSFS Constitution as of the end of Sasquan. We will try to get the WSFS documents updated as soon as we can, but that is likely to take a few weeks as we all recover from a very intense week here in Spokane.
Tags: business meeting, hugo awards, worldcon, wsfs, wsfs business meeting

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