Kevin Standlee (kevin_standlee) wrote,
Kevin Standlee

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The Journey Home, Interrupted

I left the office around Noon on Friday and drove to Sacramento where I visited my sister for a little while. I knew I wouldn't be getting home that night. The late-season snowstorm had moved in overnight and chain controls had gone up over I-80 before 10 AM. The storm was forecast to run all day and into the night. Theoretically, I could have gone the long way around via CA-70, but that's about 150 miles out of the way, and not a good road. So I drove to Yuba City and spent the evening visiting my mother (who spends many nights at my sister's house there trying to keep it in "warm storage," so to speak) before laying up for the night at the Wal-Mart (Yuba City's store being one of those that tolerates overnight RV parking; not all Wal-Marts do so). I paid my "rent" by buying some dill pickle Pringles (which I still can't find anywhere else around these parts) and slept well, particularly because there was no need to set the alarm. I briefly woke up at 4 AM and was so happy to be able to go back to sleep.

This morning, I bestirred myself around 7 AM, cleaned up and packed stuff away, then drove over to Lumberjack's Restaurant where I had a leisurely breakfast without any time pressure. I left a message for Lisa when I left Yuba City and set out toward Grass Valley. CA-20, which can be pretty scary at night and in bad weather, was lovely in the sunshine as I climbed into the areas where yesterday's snowstorm dropped up to a foot of snow. Caltrans crews were out cutting back the snowbanks on I-80, and the Donner Summit rest area was closed for snow removal, but the road itself was clear of snow, although still wet. I wonder if Boreal regrets closing down; there seems to have been plenty of snow at the summit ski resort as I went by.

In the early afternoon, I made it home to Fernley. Lisa helped me unpack. I was too tired for us to go back into Reno for the major grocery shopping and other city errands, but we got enough for today, and I very gratefully settled down to relax a little bit.
Tags: lisa, rolling stone, weather

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