This morning, I bestirred myself around 7 AM, cleaned up and packed stuff away, then drove over to Lumberjack's Restaurant where I had a leisurely breakfast without any time pressure. I left a message for Lisa when I left Yuba City and set out toward Grass Valley. CA-20, which can be pretty scary at night and in bad weather, was lovely in the sunshine as I climbed into the areas where yesterday's snowstorm dropped up to a foot of snow. Caltrans crews were out cutting back the snowbanks on I-80, and the Donner Summit rest area was closed for snow removal, but the road itself was clear of snow, although still wet. I wonder if Boreal regrets closing down; there seems to have been plenty of snow at the summit ski resort as I went by.
In the early afternoon, I made it home to Fernley. Lisa helped me unpack. I was too tired for us to go back into Reno for the major grocery shopping and other city errands, but we got enough for today, and I very gratefully settled down to relax a little bit.