Kevin Standlee (kevin_standlee) wrote,
Kevin Standlee

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Tech Support Almost Too Efficient

I got a call this morning from the Dell contractor who will replace the motherboard in the laptop. I explained to him that I am sick and probably will be for at least another day or two. Fortunately, he hadn't gone on a wild-goose-chase to San Mateo yet, so we rescheduled for next Monday.

One of the reasons we were annoyed about breaking the earlier computer was that it had the 2 GHz processor, and that none of the other machines available in that class had the same processor when we went back to buy again. (And we were stuck with what was in stock because it was a discontinued model.) We ended up with, as I recall, a 1.6 GHz processor. I asked the contractor if it's possible to transplant the 2 GHz processor onto the replacement motherboard, replacing the 1.6 processors. He says it should be possible.

Of course, I have no way of knowing whether that 2 GHz processor still works, since the busted machine won't POST due to the other damage, so the only way to find out is to try it, I guess. With luck, all of the necessary pieces -- the scrap machine and the repairable one -- will be in one place by next Monday and we can give it a try. Fingers crossed.

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