Kevin Standlee (kevin_standlee) wrote,
Kevin Standlee

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Convient Train-Viewing Gap

Yesterday, the eastbound California Zephyr had to go through Fernley on the siding because "Big BN" (the BNSF way freight) was holding the main, having completed switching cars at Fernley. Normally this means we would not be able to see Amtrak, since the siding is on the far side relative to us. However, the BNSF freight had conveniently stopped with an empty drop-center high-capacity (sixteen wheel) flat car at just the right spot, so Lisa decided to take a picture using the piece of specialty rail equipment as part of the frame.

Timekeeping on Amtrak #5/6 has been much better lately. You can't quite set your watch by them, but they haven't been running multiple hours late the way they have known to have done.
Tags: amtrak, fernley, trains

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