Kevin Standlee (kevin_standlee) wrote,
Kevin Standlee

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Quaking in my Bed

[LiveJournal continues to act up. I can't change the default user icon. I can't see user comments if I'm logged in. I do still get e-mail notifications of comments posted to my journal. These problems are on multiple browsers, I've reported them. Whether LJ decides to fix them, I don't know. I don't want to leave LJ inasmuch as I have a life membership and I do actually much prefer it to Facebook and the like, but I do hope they get this problem fixed soon.]

Lisa is currently on a very night-owl schedule. Some hours after I'd gone to bed, she came and woke me up and told me that we'd just had an earthquake. She'd felt it strongly. I didn't, but I might have felt one of the other ones that happened after I'd gone back to sleep, because I woke up again later for no obvious reason. These earthquakes happened in Hawthorne, Nevada, about 100 miles south of Fernley, and were in the 5.5-5.7 range.

Cracked Up Cracked Up

Lisa pointed out that a long crack had formed out in the dirt in front of the house, presumably caused because the ground had been damp and then frozen. There was no serious damage here or anywhere else, as far as I know, from this small earthquake swarm.

This swarm of quakes is similar to those that hit the Bishop, California area over the Memorial Day Weekend in 1980 when I lived there and was in in high school.
Tags: earthquake, fernley

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