Kevin Standlee (kevin_standlee) wrote,
Kevin Standlee

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Westercon 2019 Bids: One Month Warning

If you are interested in bidding to host the 2019 Westercon, you have one month to go before the filing deadline of April 15, 2017. Because no bids filed before the first deadline, any site in Western North America (west of 104° west longitude, including points in both Mexico and Canada) or in Hawaii is eligible to host Westercon 72.

The interaction of site selection bidding for Westercon and NASFiC leads to some interesting possibilities. Because I've already answered some of the questions on this subject in individual queries, and because I'm the division manager over what will be 2019 NASFiC Site Selection should it become necessary (as seems likely now), I'll discuss this in a later post. Short version: a site can bid to host both Westercon and NASFiC if it is eligible to host both, although the bidding for each is separate and takes place at different places and times.
Tags: nasfic, site selection, westercon

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