Kevin Standlee (kevin_standlee) wrote,
Kevin Standlee

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Bonus Train

Early this morning (I'm still working Central Zone hours), I heard on the radio scanner the Union Pacific dispatcher telling a train near us (at Darwin siding, about ten miles east) that they'd been put in the siting because of a "hot passenger train." That seemed odd to me, because Amtrak wasn't due for a couple more hours. A bit later, the dispatcher told the "Fernley Flyer" that they could go down to the east end of Fernley siding and wait for the "hot passenger train" to go by.

I got an idea of what other kind of passenger train UP might be running, and a took a short break from work to go look. My timing was good.

UP Business Train

Sure enough, it was a Union Pacific business train, charging east at full speed in the dramatic lighting shortly after sunrise. I couldn't pan and follow it because I would have ended up pointing the camera right into the sun, which seemed like a bad idea.

Trains like this have very high priority (they usually have important railroad officials on board), so the dispatcher was clearing everything into sidings to make room for it.
Tags: trains, union pacific

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