This afternoon after lunch, I stepped out for a short walk to see this vista of the Pah Rah range to the west of Fernley. Instead of the few isolated patches of remaining snow on the highest, shelters points I posted a few days ago, there was a fair cover of partway down the mountains. Remember that this is not the Sierra Nevada. Those mountains are another 50 miles west and are higher than these peaks that separate Fernley from Reno/Sparks.
Snow didn't make it down to Fernley itself, but it got cold enough that we got one of the heaters out of storage. We've been on the verge of restarting the fireplace for the past two days. I've been holding off because once this storm blow through, the temps are supposed to shoot back up into the mid 30s°C, and I'd sort of like to have some capacity to absorb some of the that heat before we have to turn the swamp cooler back on later in the week.