Kevin Standlee (kevin_standlee) wrote,
Kevin Standlee

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No Pot of Gold, But We Like It Anyway

Yesterday afternoon, Fernley was hit by a strong thunderstorm, including some sizeable hail. Lisa moved the little "living Christmas tree" we've been trying to preserve under cover. I was over playing pinball when the storm hit and stayed under cover until the storm had mostly passed through, but as I approached home, I noticed a double rainbow in an interesting place.

End of the Rainbow

It's not that easy to see because trees obscure the house from this angle, but the house is sitting near the foot of the secondary rainbow, to the left of the tan metal garage in the center of the photo.

Fernley House isn't exactly a pot of money — more a pot into which we put money — but it's still nice to come home to, warts and all.
Tags: house

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