Kevin Standlee (kevin_standlee) wrote,
Kevin Standlee

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They Doth Protest Too Much Methinks

I (probably unwisely) tried to ask some of the people crowing over how the recent Dragon Awards are the Best Awards Evar and that The Hugo Awards are dead, dead, dead because of course the only Real Awards are the Dragons, etc., asking why they thought an award that allowed someone with a bit of internet savvy the ability to vote potentially hundreds of times was a good thing, and the amount of vitriol sent my way was, well, not surprising, really.

I'm sort of wondering if these people simply assume that everything is corrupt and everyone is on the take. They assumed, after all, that the Hugo Award results were rigged by a Secret Cabal. They don't care of their pet system is rigged or flawed, as long as they Get What They Want. It's sort of like the people who were quoted as saying they didn't care if the last American Presidential election was corrupted, because Their Guy Won, and that's all that matters.

In another response, someone made a crack about how I should study recent Hugo Award winners' sales. I would reply, "So what?" The Hugo Awards are not and never have been about "Which work sold more copies." If that's all that mattered, we'd just ask publishers to open their books about copies sold and give the trophy to whoever had the most sales, right? But I guess to some people, the only thing that matters is How Much Money Did You Make, and nothing else at all matters. To those people, for example, Worldcon is obviously worthless because none of us who work on it are Getting Paid, and if you aren't Getting Paid, it's worthless.

Sad, really.
Tags: hugo awards, worldcon

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