Kevin Standlee (kevin_standlee) wrote,
Kevin Standlee

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Lucky Pen

This being the first weekend of the month, it was my latest opportunity to use the "buy some food, get $10 free play" coupons from the Wigwam. You have to sign the coupon before you use it, and so I dug a pen out of my tote bag.

Well Traveled Pen

I note that this pen came from the Holiday Inn Helsinki from during Worldcon 76. It has been with me ever since.

It was a good day. In conjunction with a "Win $10, get $10 free play" coupon, I walked away with $32 with nothing more invested than the original $17 (including tip) from my breakfast.

Today I continue the process of cleaning up web sites I administer and doing work on various WSFS/Worldcon material. Lisa is working on home improvement projects, about which I'll have more to say when they have matured.
Tags: casino, fernley, worldcon

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