Kevin Standlee (kevin_standlee) wrote,
Kevin Standlee

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Glad We Got to See It Once

On the way home from the 2017 Worldcon in Finland, we stopped in Iceland for a few nights. One of the days we were there, during our wandering around Reykjavik, we found among other things an utterly charming and quirky Japanese tea house called Kumiko along the waterfront.

Kumiko Reykjavik

Here's what it looked like from the outside. The tea and cakes were wonderful, too.

As Lisa and I are making tentative plans for this year's Worldcon trip, we noticed that Icelandair has started flying from SFO again, and that their fares are good enough that we could contemplate stopping over again for two or three nights on the return. If we did, we said to ourselves, we'd definitely want to visit Kumiko again. So it was with great disappointment that we learned that Kumikio Iceland has closed permanently in September 2018. I guess I'm glad that we learned now instead of discovering the hard way when making the trek out to it should we decide to make that Icelandic stopover again.
Tags: iceland, tourism

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