Kevin Standlee (kevin_standlee) wrote,
Kevin Standlee

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Cow Town

I was too busy on Monday between Day Jobbe and getting the Tonopah bid filed to write anything. I'd intended to write about the rabbits showing themselves more often and how Fernley can certainly be called a cow town.

On Sunday morning, as I was walking to have breakfast, I spotted a trio of rabbits out in the field by the railroad yard.

Bunny Time

There are a total of three rabbits in this photo, but one of them was more skitterish than the others. The zoom on my camera phone isn't good, so I zoomed up to the maximum and moved slowly closer. One of the three rabbits kept edging farther and farther behind the bush. I took this photo and didn't get any closer.

Yesterday afternoon, I saw a hawk worrying away at something in the rail yard. When it flew off, Lisa and I went and had a look. It was one of the bunnies; not necessarily one of the three I photographed, but one of the same type of rabbit.

After another excellent breakfast from the Wigwam, I walked down to the Frontier Fun Center to bowl on half-price Sunday morning, but encountered cows along the way.

Cow Town

A herd of cattle has been turned into this field along Main Street. Fernley's hillside big "F" is visible in the distance.

Cow Town

The cattle noticed me watching them and decided to come watch me as well.

Having had my fill of cattle-watching, I continued on to bowl a few games. I have switched to a 12-pound ball due to my wrist injury, and it helps a bit, but I still can't seem to find my form. Still, I managed to bowl more than 300 over three games, which means I'm not losing any ground.

Meanwhile, I'm working long hours in the first part of this week at Day Jobbe because tomorrow Lisa and I are driving to Tonopah to meet on Friday with the Mizpah Hotel and the Tonopah Convention Center. Lisa has been getting her cameras refreshed (and the memory modules cleared). I'm trying to put in enough hours that I might be able to avoid having to take a half-day off from work. (I'll be working in the morning from the Mizpah Hotel, which will be a good test of how well the wi-fi works.)
Tags: cattle, fernley, rabbits

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