Kevin Standlee (kevin_standlee) wrote,
Kevin Standlee

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Yesterday was my semi-annual diabetes check-in. Things are about where they have been. Maybe slightly improved due to adding a new medication to the mix. Nothing else has gone wrong. Losing weight would help. I wonder if the large numbers of steps I'm logging this week is helping. Also on the docket yesterday was the second and final dose of a shingles vaccine. As they warned me, I'm having a slightly adverse reaction to the shot — mainly lots of soreness in my upper left arm where they injected it (oddly, I didn't feel the shot itself at all) and up through my neck and upper back. It's annoying, not debilitating, and it's a whole lot better than getting shingles! Still, I'm glad that I'm not driving home today because I'm slightly unsteady.

Tonight I'll take light rail downtown to 3 Below Theatre to see Nine: The Musical. Getting back to the RV will be a hassle because late at night light rail doesn't serve the Mountain View line. There's a bus substitute, but it doesn't follow all of the light rail stops through the part of Sunnyvale where I'm parked, and I understand why. It's still annoying. At least now I know the last train to the last bus, where to get off, and where to walk to get back to the RV, and the weather is mild.

Tomorrow I can sleep in a bit before driving home.
Tags: 3below, health

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