Kevin Standlee (kevin_standlee) wrote,
Kevin Standlee

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Duck Hunting

Ever since Raley's bought Scolari's grocery store, we have been unable to get duck locally. For the first time in some years, we will not be celebrating Thanksgiving day at home. (We will in fact be driving from Bishop to Los Angeles on the first full day of our multi-week multi-convention road trip.) So today after I got off work, Lisa and I drove to Reno for multiple errands, including going to Butcher Boy specialty meats and getting a duck for an early Thanksgiving meal next week. We kept the frozen duck in an insulated bag (and we want it to thaw out anyway), so it was no big deal to keep it in the car while we did our other errands and went to dinner before driving home. Looking at how the traffic was backed up off I-80 eastbound as we headed to the restaurant, we were glad we stopped and had dinner first.

As we headed for home, leaving Sparks about 6:50 PM, we saw Amtrak train #5, the westbound California Zephyr, approaching Sparks. This means the train was running about eleven hours late, as it normally passes Fernley at 7:45 AM. I had seen they were behind this morning, and a broken rail on the Nevada Subdivision at Massie (which is apparently a tricky place to access for repairs to boot) probably didn't help. I felt sorry for the passengers and crew. The crew who were having to work what amounts to an extra day, and the passengers who will miss out on one of the trips most scenic parts, as they're traversing the Sierra Nevada at night. On top of that, based on my past experience, the dining car may not be able to serve dinner tonight (the last scheduled meal would have been lunch today) on account of not having any food left, and their likely arrival time in Emeryville is going to be about 2 AM tomorrow morning, a miserable time to be certain.
Tags: lisa, reno, thanksgiving

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