Kevin Standlee (kevin_standlee) wrote,
Kevin Standlee

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Winter Road Trip Day 3: Loscon Friday

We had a leisurely breakfast buffet this morning in the hotel restaurant. (The Peppermill Saturday buffet is better for less money, but we're spoiled.) Father John Blaker joined up for breakfast, which was nice because we've not seen him for quite a while.

After breakfast, we set up our Westercon 74 Tonopah table. Not too long after we got there, we sold our first membership, at which point I realized that I'd left the receipt blanks (and also most of the registration forms) at home. Fortunately I had the material that I could copy in the FedEx Office business center inside the hotel, so got it sorted out eventually.

Tonopah Westercon at Loscon 46

Aside from periodic trips to the Business Center to do printing/copying and one pass through the Dealers' Room, I spent most of the day behind our fan table. Lisa spent some time at the table but also went out and about selling Tonopah to people at large around the convention. Tonopah was her idea after all, and she's the best evangelist for the convention.

We sold five attending memberships (including conversions from voting) today. We were at 101 attending members (plus the voting members from Utah who hadn't converted yet who are supporting members) as of a couple of weeks ago, so we're well on our way to the lower end of our projected 200-400 attending members. (Supporting members do not count toward our maximum 450 attendees because they aren't attending; we're constrained by the fire marshal's rated capacity of the Tonopah Convention Center.)

When we closed down just before 7 PM, Sally Woehrle (who is, among other things, chair of Westercon 73 in Sea-Tac next year and an Advisor to the Chair for Westercon 74) joined Lisa and me for dinner in the hotel. We have no energy for going off-site, and besides, I'd end up losing my good space in the parking garage if I did so.

We finished dinner around the time that the parties were starting, and we went to some of them just as they opened, but tried to pull ourselves away before 10 PM. I didn't get as much sleep as I wanted last night on account of having to fill out Westercon 74's responses to the SMOFCon Fannish Inquisition FAQ and writing about yesterday's Snow Adventure. Tonight we hope to get some rest, because tomorrow is another long day of talking about Westercon.

There was rarely a dull moment today, so if you've been trying to contact us by e-mail or through any of our social media accounts, expect some delay, as we're answering people in person here at Loscon.
Tags: lisa, loscon, westercon

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