Actually returning the item to Home Depot was routine enough, but for some reason we couldn't get the terminal to accept the PIN for the debit card we'd used to buy it. They refunded us in cash, but we wanted to get to the bank right away to make sure something wasn't wrong with the card. When we got to the bank, the card worked fine. We must have simply both been keying the PIN wrong. So then we went back to Home Depot and Lisa got the other things she wanted to get there. (It's a Sekrit Project, so I won't say more about it until it's finished.
At Bed Bath & Beyond, Lisa wanted to get more of the small stacking shelves they'd had on sale a few days ago. They had physically interoperable versions of the same shelf, but they were from a different manufacturer, opened differently, and the drawers didn't slide as well, so she balked. She also wanted to get another set of a particular kind of sheets she'd bought on the previous trip to down. She'd even brought the info card from the first set. Unfortunately, they didn't have any more of the color of the first set, so she settled for a similar but not the same color.
Along the way, we stopped at Winco Foods for some groceries, mainly as a "target of opportunity."
Leaving BB&B, it occurred to me that there is another BB&B in north Sparks, and maybe they would have the things that the Reno store did not. So we headed up that way, and we were pleased to discover that they had both the shelves Lisa wanted and the color of sheets she wanted. They even let her return the not-quite-the-same-color sheets we'd bought a few hours earlier in Reno.
By then it was getting pretty late, so I suggested we check out the Mongolian BBQ in the same shopping center as the BB&B. However, Lisa balked; it was too bright, too noisy, and was full of television screens blaring at us. I was ready to balk as well, as they apparently charged by the bowl, something I don't expect at such places. Instead, we went to the Iron Skillet at the Alamo truck stop on the east end of Sparks, where we had a good value buffet. Also, Lisa had good luck at the slot machines, winning enough to pay for our tip at dinner.
It must have warmed up some this afternoon after we left, for most of the remaining snow, including all that was left on the front porch, had melted by the time we got home. I had to go back to work, as there was one small report from Day Jobbe that needed to be done tonight because people will be expecting it first thing tomorrow morning. Flexible hours are good, but sometimes you can get behind the eight-ball, like I did tonight.