Kevin Standlee (kevin_standlee) wrote,
Kevin Standlee

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Home Cooking, Episode 1

Tonight's meal was pork stew, consisting of stewing pork picked up at Raley's, carrots, potatoes, Lea & Perrins Worcestershire Sauce, and a bit of flour, according to Lisa, stewed for a long time, and served with HP brown sauce. It's very good, and had enough left over for lunch tomorrow, or maybe the next day, as I still have a helping of chicken and rice soup Lisa made a few days ago. We'll have this stew again soon, because the stewing pork came in a large enough size that Lisa only used half of it for tonight.

Our grocery bills these past couple of days have been monumental, but this must be offset against us not traveling to Seattle for Norwescon and otherwise simply staying home. Lisa is aiming to keep us well fed in our semi-isolation. And fortunately, Fernley is sufficiently thinly populated that we can still go out for walks and maintain 2m separation from people most of the time.
Tags: coronavirus, food, home cooking, lisa, quarantine

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