Kevin Standlee (kevin_standlee) wrote,
Kevin Standlee

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Holding My Breath

So tomorrow is when we'll find out what happens with the electoral vote count, and whether the Vice President and the seditious cabal really does try to pull off a coup. Considering that in Pennsylvania, the Republican-dominated Senate kicked their presiding officer (the Lieutenant Governor) out and refused to seat a Democrat whose opponent is disputing his election, I guess I wouldn't be surprised if Pence really does try to unilaterally ignore any votes for anyone but Great Glorious Leader. I hope I'm being too pessimistic, but I guess very little would surprise me now other than the Republican members of Congress following the law and the Constitution.

OTOH, the fact that Trump seemed to be trying to plan a trip to Scotland for January 19th, maybe even he has realized that he's not really going to pull off a coup.
Tags: politics

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