Kevin Standlee (kevin_standlee) wrote,
Kevin Standlee

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When I first woke up this morning, I thought, "Wow, that first Pfizer dose hit me harder than I thought it would," but after a little while, I realized that's mostly how I feel most Friday mornings, and after an hour or so I was more or less normal. The shoulder where the injection went in hurts (so does Lisa), but I get that with flu shots as well, so I'm not that concerned.

I haven't written about it much lately, but my right leg still isn't back to normal. The rash is mostly gone, but the site of the bite still is a bit sore, and I'm still getting fluid build-up in the leg, albeit nowhere near as much as shortly after the original bite and infection. One of the problems of getting older, of course, is that things take progressively longer to heal, and presumably my diabetes doesn't help.
Tags: health

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