Kevin Standlee (kevin_standlee) wrote,
Kevin Standlee

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Home Cooking, Episode 16: Burger Time

One advantage to rarely going out to eat is that Lisa has been attempting to improve the variety of our meals. After we got out first Pfizer vaccinations on Thursday, we did some grocery shopping at Raley's, including getting relatively good quality ground beef. This evening, she mixed that meat with a seasoning mix we found at Cost Plus World Market and made hamburgers, cooking them in olive oil and Worcestershire sauce, and served on Dave's Killer Bread buns. Those were some of the best hamburgers we've ever had! They were nearly up to the standard of the fantastic high-end burger place at which we ate in Eagle, Colorado on the way back from the Kansas City Worldcon. (Alas, Expert Burger is now gone, so we won't be planning any trips to put us in Eagle for lunch to eat there.) I told Lisa they were great, and she allowed as she'd done well.
Tags: food, lisa

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