Kevin Standlee (kevin_standlee) wrote,
Kevin Standlee

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Free Breakfast Challenge

I got two different freebies in my e-mail for my birthday today: a free item from Starbucks and a free breakfast from Black Bear Diner. The first was easy to redeem, as their online ordering system asked if I wanted to redeem the offer without a problem. The latter was less easy. Black Bear Diner's online ordering system let me set up the to-go order, but when I tried to enter the coupon code, it said there was a problem and that I needed to order directly from the restaurant. I called them and while I could make the order, they didn't have the ability that the website has to specify I later pickup time; they only understood "as soon as it comes out of the kitchen." Also, I couldn't give them the coupon code; they said I needed to print it out and bring it with me. Okay, I did that and set out to collect my two freebies.

The coffee was easy. I've been in there enough lately that they recognize me. Then it was back to the BBD, where in front of me was another customer making a to-go order. Slowly. With great difficulty. As if she'd never seen a menu before, or did not understand how to use a credit card on a terminal. Well, that's not BBD's fault, of course. Clueless customers are a way of life; I know from having been in retail and having worked in restaurants when I was younger. Then they got to me, and the cashier apparently had never seen the free-breakfast-on-your-birthday coupon, which seems sort of odd to me; surely I'm not the only person in Fernley who has signed up for BBD's promotions program. She tried various things and the queue of customers waiting to check out got longer. (And I got more nervous, although everyone was masked and mostly 2m separated, and I'm vaccinated.) Eventually she gave up and summoned a manager. Fortunately, she knew how to make the coupon work, leaving me only a small amount left to pay because the coupon was exclusive of sales tax on to-go orders. I handed her a couple of dollars and told them to keep the change. I'm not sure the clerk deserved a tip, but OTOH, I've been over-tipping full-service restaurant staff anyway because they're working in a hazard zone.

Eventually, I got home and had my breakfast. I had to microwave it due to the accumulated delays, but that doesn't bother me. It was certainly worth more than I paid for it. But I'm glad that I took half a day off (and since my day starts at 4:30, I'm done for the rest of today) so I didn't feel any time pressure while collecting my free food.
Tags: fernley, food, restaurants

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