Kevin Standlee (kevin_standlee) wrote,
Kevin Standlee

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October Surprise

This morning, I woke up to hear hard rain blowing against the window, but didn't thing much about it. We do get some rain here, after all, just not much of it. I got to work, and a few hours later when i took a short break, I realized that it wasn't raining anymore.

October Surprise

Snow was falling outside. We got maybe 2 cm or so of it. It doesn't usually snow here this early, but I think this storm must have been an "inside slider" that came down from the north instead of moving west-to-east the way most of our weather does. When you get freezing winds that blow across Pyramid Lake, you can get "lake effect" snow.

The snow didn't last, and didn't accumulate on paved surfaces at all. Later in the morning it was already melting when I swept the remnants off the porch, just in case the temperature went below freezing, to minimize ice build up.

Snow-Like Behavior

Around 1 PM we got another tiny round of attempted snow, this time in pellet-sized snow that didn't last very long and melted very quickly.

Looks like we had our chimney swept just in time.
Tags: snow, weather

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