Kevin Standlee (kevin_standlee) wrote,
Kevin Standlee

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Worldcon 2021 Day 5: Closing it Down

This afternoon, after posting the Worldcon Chairs Video/Photos, I went back to the Dealers' Room for the last time and bought a DisCon III staff polo shirt. I still ended the convention with one staff position, and have bought the shirt to go with it. I got that shirt just in time, as it was now time for Closing Ceremonies.

DisCon III Closing Ceremony

The Closing Ceremony was very nice, and I took a lot of photos of it, but I'm too tired for a blow-by-blow description. What I was looking for was the ceremonial transfer of power. In this photo, DisCon III chair Mary Robinette Kowal gavels closed the 79th Worldcon.

DisCon III Closing Ceremony

She then hands the Gavel of WSFS to her successor, Chicon 8 chair Helen Montgomery.

DisCon III Closing Ceremony

Then Mary Robinette brought in the Really Big Gavel!

DisCon III Closing Ceremony

"She who can wield this gavel is the true and worthy Chair!"

After closing ceremonies and a final spin through the Dealers' Room, I had something of an idea of taking a nap, except that there seemed to be so many things that needed writing up. Lisa did get a few hours of badly-needed sleep while I wrote stuff. However, I didn't get that nap, and suddenly it was after dark and we needed dinner before the Old Pharts' Party.

After dinner, Lisa and I went down to where work was being done to prepare some Hugo Award trophies for shipping and also lots of mailing material was being collated for all finalists. Lisa helped with the trophies and mailing work. I went up to the Former Worldcon Chairs ("Old Pharts") party, which was held in the same suite that Winnipeg had been using, so in the end the only party suite I ever got to was the Lincoln Suite, albeit with multiple tenants.

We'd seen in the last convention newsletter than the previously announced Orlando in 2026 Worldcon bid has pivoted and is now bidding to hold the 2023 NASFiC that will now have to be held with Chengdu having been seated as the 2023 Worldcon. I was able to buy the first two pre-supporting memberships for Lisa and me as I handed him $40 to get in at the start.

Worldcon Chairs Party

Dave McCarty here presents Mary Robinette Kowal with her Past Worldcon Chair ribbon.

Worldcon Chairs Party

And she is applauded by the assembled at the party as she joins the Society of Former Worldcon Chairs.

I hung around for a little while, but by 11 PM, the accumulated effects of three nights of four or fewer hours of sleep were causing me to get woozy, and before I fell asleep on the sofa in the Lincoln suite, I made my farewells from my favorite party and staggered back to our room, which fortunately was only one flight up.

And thus that was DisCon III. Now I have the wonderful luxury of a day ahead with no alarm and a relatively light tourism schedule.
Tags: worldcon

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