Kevin Standlee (kevin_standlee) wrote,
Kevin Standlee

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Strange Dreams

kproche's compliment reminded me of a bad dream I had several nights ago. I was at a Worldcon on what must have been the fourth afternoon. I guess I must have been Chairman of the Business Meeting. Someone came up to me and asked where I'd been at the meeting that morning. In horror, I realized that I'd forgotten to go to the meeting! I was dealing with the shame of having failed in my commitment to the convention and the other members and wondering how I'd ever live it down when Lisa woke me up.

There are few dreams I was so relieved to realize were only dreams.

I guess it's possible this is an echo of my unhappiness over how the Second Main Meeting went at L.A.con IV and how I wish that the members had been better behaved and that I had handled the situation better than I did.
Tags: wsfs business meeting

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