Kevin Standlee (kevin_standlee) wrote,
Kevin Standlee


Looks like this past Westercon, Due North, will be able to reimburse the memberships of qualified program participants, volunteers, staff, and committee.

Program participants will receive 1/3 reimbursement if they did one panel, 2/3 if they did two, and full reimbursement if they did three or more. Volunteers who logged eight or more hours, plus staff and committee, will receive full reimbursement of their membership.

As I understand it, convention co-chair Randy McCharles will be at V-Con this weekend in Vancouver and will hand-deliver reimbursement cheques to people there in the first batch. Others will go out in the mail. The con is also working on arrangements to refund US-based members in the equivalent US dollars, so people won't be faced with payments that cost more to collect than their face value. Details when I know them.

Incidentally, figures posted on the Due North web site say that 706 people attended the convention; there were of course more total members. (706 is the "warm body count", not total memberships.)
Tags: westercon

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