Kevin Standlee (kevin_standlee) wrote,
Kevin Standlee

  • Mood:

Rushing About

I did most of my packing last night while watching the first of this weekend's Super 14 rugby matches, but not without a great deal of difficulty getting the wireless signal to stay connected. My computer continues to refuse to hold a wireless connection in this apartment whenever it is plugged into ground power, sometimes not even when the computer is less than a meter away from the WAP. Anyway, this morning I downloaded the second match (that will give me something to watch at the hotel in Ashland *knock wood* tonight).

Because I'm driving, I'm traveling heavier than usual, but that also leads to even more "what have I forgotten?" moments. I have a box into which I keep putting things "in case I need them," but I expect I'll end up forgetting something anyway. I'm sure I'll get by.

Good thing I called my mechanic before heading over there. The shop assistant said they were taking it out for a test drive right now. They will call me when it's ready. My credit card is glowing with anticipation of the large charge I'm expecting for the combined job: oil plug, water pump, universal belt, radiator. Again, better that these things should go wrong before the trip than during it. I shudder when I remember that I had considered putting off the scheduled water pump replacement until after the Oregon trip.

The ants continue to feast upon the Terro traps. Enjoy yourselves, I say, while because of a comment from yourbob, the Pink Panther theme won't get out of my head.

Oh, and I'm getting my mundane job done as well, setting up my work schedule for the Sunday-Thursday week I'm planning next week. Since there won't be anyone around on Sunday for me to ask questions of, I need to work out in advance what they're expecting of me so I don't waste anyone's time.

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