Because I'm driving, I'm traveling heavier than usual, but that also leads to even more "what have I forgotten?" moments. I have a box into which I keep putting things "in case I need them," but I expect I'll end up forgetting something anyway. I'm sure I'll get by.
Good thing I called my mechanic before heading over there. The shop assistant said they were taking it out for a test drive right now. They will call me when it's ready. My credit card is glowing with anticipation of the large charge I'm expecting for the combined job: oil plug, water pump, universal belt, radiator. Again, better that these things should go wrong before the trip than during it. I shudder when I remember that I had considered putting off the scheduled water pump replacement until after the Oregon trip.
The ants continue to feast upon the Terro traps. Enjoy yourselves, I say, while because of a comment from
Oh, and I'm getting my mundane job done as well, setting up my work schedule for the Sunday-Thursday week I'm planning next week. Since there won't be anyone around on Sunday for me to ask questions of, I need to work out in advance what they're expecting of me so I don't waste anyone's time.