Kevin Standlee (kevin_standlee) wrote,
Kevin Standlee

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SFSFC Presents Gifts to Nippon 2007

During the Former Worldcon Chairs Party at Nippon 2007, ConFrancisco chairman David W. Clark and I (ConJose co-chairman), assisted by SFSFC director jbriggs, presented Nippon 2007's chairman, Hiroaki Inoue, with some modest gifts from our respective two Worldcons. Mind you, the way it worked out, David presented the ConJose gifts (mugs from the McEnery Convention Center) and I presented the ConFrancisco ones (cable car pins). This presentation and Inoue-san's reaction are now available online.

SFSFC presents gifts to Nippon 2007

Nippon 2007 chairman Hiroaki Inoue's reaction to SFSFC's gifts
Tags: nippon 2007, sfsfc, worldcon

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