Kevin Standlee (kevin_standlee) wrote,
Kevin Standlee

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Taking Up A New Challenge

This morning over breakfast, I attended my first meeting as a director of CanSMOF, parent non-profit corporation of the 2009 Worldcon, Anticipation. Nothing really exciting I can report from the meeting. We mainly talked about what the Board should not be doing, which is trying to manage the Worldcon. That's the Anticipation committee's job. Their chairs report to the CanSMOF board, but the Board manages the managers (Robbie and Rene), not the convention itself. We probably won't meet again (save via e-mail discussion) until Denvention Three. I reckon I can probably manage to attend two in-person meetings in Montreal between now and Anticipation, as long as I can buy the first of the two before my $800 Northwest Airlines voucher (received from being bumped from the trip to Nippon 2007) expires next September. (As I understand it, I have a year to use the voucher, but I could buy a ticket with the voucher for use after the period when the voucher itself expires. I'll have to confirm this. No point in letting the voucher go to waste, after all. I did that once with an America West free ticket, having forgotten about having earned it.)

The meeting was a relatively low-key affair, aside from being slightly rushed because we did have to finish in time for me to get upstairs to the 10 AM "SMOFCon 101" panel on which I was one of the participants.
Tags: anticipation, montreal, worldcon

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