Kevin Standlee (kevin_standlee) wrote,
Kevin Standlee

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Now, If Only It Works

I reckon that I need to set my alarm for 2:30 AM if I want to be on the 4:30 AM train out of Fremont BART on the way to Oakland airport and eventually to MARCON. There's no point in going any earlier because the AirBART buses don't start running until 5 AM; I'll be on the first one of the day. I've purchased a five-day BART parking pass. I figured that the $25 parking was about the same as taxi fare both ways, and I worry about taxis being able to find my apartment, so for $25 I get peace of mind about getting to/from BART.

This means that if I want anywhere near a good night's sleep, I need to go to bed in the next hour or so -- roughly six hours earlier than I usually go to sleep. OTOH, I often get sleepy just about this time of day, so maybe it will work for me.
Tags: travel

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