Kevin Standlee (kevin_standlee) wrote,
Kevin Standlee

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The Pieces Fall Into Place

We've filled that last open panelist slot for Friday's show, as Jason Schachat has agreed to join us in seat 5.

I've delighted to have heard from Kathryn Daugherty in Westercon Programming that we should have pretty much all the tech we could want: an 8-channel mixer, wireless connection (for my ECM-51A; the only question I'll have is whether it uses an XLR connector or not), four microphones for the six panelists, and a CD/Tape player for the show music. Even if we end up with two other sound inputs -- a second tape player would be helpful, plus the computer doing the bell/buzzer sound effects -- we still have enough channels on the sound board to make it work.

I'll be happy to tell Lisa about this, but it won't happen today because she's participating in Field Day this weekend and won't be near a telephone until probably Monday. (The irony has not escaped me that the reason I can't contact Lisa is that she's talking on the radio all weekend.)
Tags: lisa, match game, westercon

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