Kevin Standlee (kevin_standlee) wrote,
Kevin Standlee

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Winding It Down

The SMOFCon wrap-up session was decently attended. Con Chair Kim Williams announced the membership at 117 people. She invited the hotel's general manager in to get feedback. We gave him both positive and negative feedback (much more of the former), and he said he was glad to have us.

Karen Meshke from next year's SMOFCon in Austin was there taking notes as people talked about the good and bad parts of this year's SMOFCon. I'm not really in the mood to do a point by point analysis, but I'm happy that people were willing to be honest with their negative feedback without making it sound like a lynch mob.

Lisa and I gave copies of the raw video footage of the Fannish Inquisition to those people with a computer onto which we could transfer it and who had the ten-plus minutes it takes the copy.

Now the usual goodbyes have been being said for those people with flights today. The rest of us staying tonight are starting to think about getting dinner. Lisa needs to do some laundry tonight; fortunately, there is a coin laundry (only one washer and one dryer, alas) up on the 8th floor.

The only place I can get a reliable connection is on the wired connection in the hotel's business center, so that's where I am now, but I'm done now. Thanks to those of you who pointed out the (now fixed) typo on the dates in the SMOFCon site selection.
Tags: lisa, smofcon

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