Kevin Standlee (kevin_standlee) wrote,
Kevin Standlee

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Return to California

I am back home in California for the first time in a month. I got back to Fremont at 8:30 PM, after having stopped for lunch in Willows and spent an hour visiting with my grandfather in Sutter.

This really was a great day to be driving. Although it was below freezing when I got up at Medford, and there was snow on the ground (but not on the pavement) over Siskiyou Pass, it soon warmed up so much that I nearly had to turn on the air conditioning after Redding, and I'm glad that I wore a long sleeve shirt so I didn't have to worry about getting a sunburn on my arm. And south of Redding I was able to pick up KNBR radio and a Giants spring training game to boot.

I'm rather surprised that even with all of those stops, I got home with an average speed of 40 mph for the 10.5 hours of travel.

Now to unpack and get some sleep. I'd get something to eat, but not only is there nothing much edible here except some food bars I brought with me, but I need to fast in preparation for a blood draw tomorrow prior to my half-yearly diabetes check coming up later this week.
Tags: diabetes, family, travel

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