WSFS Site Selection Business Meeting at 10 AM in 216.
Right after the meeting (but not before 11 AM) and in the same room is the Former Worldcon Chairs Photo Opportunity. I'll have to get someone to operate the camera for me if I want to get both still photos and the video of us all reading off who we are for the archival record. (I was once asked to identify the chairs for a Locus photo and realized I couldn't remember one of them.)
After the Photo Op, but not before 11:15, is the WSFS Mark Protection Committee meeting, where we'll elect officers and see what things look like for this coming year.
At 1 PM is my only panel: "How Not to Enjoy the Convention" (sort of the counterpart to the "How to Enjoy the Convention" panels that have been held a couple of times earlier in the con.
Mid-afternoon is the Hugo Awards Ceremony rehearsal, where I can (I hope) figure out where I'm going to be able to set up the camera and computer to maybe live-stream the Ceremony, but in any event to be part of the live coverage of the Hugo Awards Ceremony at the Hugo Awards web site.
I have an invitation to the pre-ceremony reception, which means I hope I can take photos of the nominees. I'm still sweating a bit on how I'm to get from the reception to the ceremony and still get my equipment set up in time.
This evening is the Hugo Award Ceremony itself, of course.
Thank goodness the Girl Genius Radio Theatre wasn't today!