Kevin Standlee (kevin_standlee) wrote,
Kevin Standlee

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Not Leaving

Like most of you, I've been dismayed by the recent spate of unavailable LJ caused by a series of DDoS attacks. I don't plan on leaving. I have a Permanent account, after all. But I'm sure glad LJ has come sufficiently back to life that I was able to use LJArchive to archive this journal. Not counting this entry, it reports that I have made 3,801 posts and that there have been 14,220 comments posted to them. The HTML archive files that I exported are about 84 MB, although I guess that doesn't include any of the pictures.

I tried to create an LJBook, but even when I limited it down to just a single day, it failed. I don't know if I'm doing something wrong or if LJ's self-defense mechanisms are rejecting LJBook requests.

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